lasting peace and prosperity

as we observe governments re-militarizing, it's time for us, as citizens of the world,
to weave our networks and communities together and value peace more than war

breaking silent complicity

'The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it without doing anything." Johan Galtung' († February 17th, 2024)

"clearly, none of us are doing enough yet, or we would be witnessing a softening rather than hardening of old, entrenched positions and hostilities. yet none of us know how or this would already be happening. 

my vision behind the Summit of Summits is the strengthening of civil society as an intelligent force for peace and prosperity, at a time of escalating global militarization and conflict. where public-private partnerships are missing this vital civil society third sector, as a forceful, common-sense voice for wise and balanced governance. more specifically my vision is to foster interweaving and collaboration between the many different, yet separate strands of initiatives of the summits, communities and networks presently in the world, to weave a "cloth" to wisely hold the advance of human civilization in harmony with our natural environment."

Peter Koenig, Source of the First International Summit of Summits

introducing the first international

summit of summits

a three day open space summit from 25-28 September 2024 in Hakone, Japan, for leaders of established communities, designed to strengthen and activate civil society as an intelligent force for peace and prosperity

exploring the theme via open space

rather than a traditional summit or conference with designated speakers and an agenda organized in advance, we will explore the theme of lasting peace and prosperity using open space technology

strengthening our voices

by respecting and interweaving the unique contribution and voices of each of our communities in ways a spirit of communion emerges that values lasting peace and prosperity over war

staying at lime resort hotel in hakone

we will meet, sleep and eat in a space designed for exactly this type of fluid interaction at lime resort hotel in hakone, japan, which is about 90 minutes from tokyo

participating by invitation only

participation of this first international summit of summits is by invitation only and will be limited to 60 leaders of established networks and communities, although we anticipate this is the start of a longer-term initiative which will draw together larger numbers

Please apply by 31 July 2024

optional pre and / or post tour

everyday sacredness

before the Summit of Summits, Peter Koenig warmly invites participants from overseas to join Japanese hosts in an exquisite immersion into their indigenous culture and traditions... a tour that tourist money can't buy. based on the tradition of Ha-Re (anticipating and celebrating spiritual events) and Ke (ordinary life), pre the summit we have a rare invitation to visit the deeply sacred island of hamahiga, the home of the okinawa god, visit daiseki rinzan and spend time with the inspirational master kise-san, after the summit we will go to isumi, a brownfield community and small earth: the future of communion with mother nature, from 22-30 September

Please apply by 31 July 2024

join the journey
towards lasting peace & prosperity

pre-summit Tour

visit a rare protected island and sacred land off okinawa before joining the summit from 22-25 sept

discover the sacred island of hamahiga
meet a sensei in daiseki rinzan
includes food + accommodation for 3 days and nights

add $2,400

summit of summits

join the first summit of summits from 25-28 sept

access to summit
catalyze the movement
contribute via open space
3 nights in lime resort, hakone
includes food + accommodation for 3 days and nights


post-summit tour

visit a brownfield community and experience everyday sacredness after joining the summit from 28-30 sept 

discover the spiritual community of isumi
discover the small earth project
includes food + accommodation for 3 days and nights

add $1,400

summit of summits
+ pre and post tour

everything in the summit of summits plus the pre and post tours


Please apply by 31 July 2024

by invitation only

this journey isn’t for everyone. it is for leaders of well-established networks and communities who:

1. through the values they stand for have no difficulty in moving others and attracting whatever resources and funds are needed for the long term. ideally also understanding that in so doing they help to shift the present fear and conflict ethos of decision-making in our money systems, to one of love and peace.

2. understand that this call here is not an opportunity for advancing a particular project to the exclusion of others, or in the spirit of a ‘heroic self sacrifice’. rather a contribution to the greater good by openness to both giving and receiving to the point where it’s impossible to tell the difference.

everyone has a role to play

exploring the theme using harrison owen's open space technology encourages self-managed groups, distributed leadership, diversity and gives everyone a voice. it is based on four principles and the law of 2 feet: if at any time you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing – use you two feet and move to some place more to your liking

whoever comes is the right people

we believe getting something done is not a matter of having 100,000 people and the president, the prime minister or defence secretary in the room. the fundamental requirement is people who care to do something, and by showing up, that essential care is demonstrated

whatever happens is the only thing that could have

we focus on the here and now, and eliminate all of the could-have-beens, should-have-beens or might-have-beens

whenever it starts is the right time

we know inspired performance and genuine creativity rarely, if ever, pay attention to the clock. they happen (or not) when they happen

when it’s over it’s over

put simply, we don’t waste time. we do what you have to do, and when its done, we move on to something more useful

staying at lime resort

lime resort in hakone has been thoughtfully designed to encourage the emergence of ideas, starting with the entrance, and continuing through the lounges, meeting spaces and even into the bedrooms

staying in twin rooms

to encourage interaction, participants will be sharing twin rooms

eating together

all food will be provided including snacks from dinner on 25 September to lunch on 28 September

enjoying the natural hot springs

natural hot springs or onsen are a feature of staying in japan. relaxing in one is a japanese tradition. the hakone open air onsen first opened in the nara period (dating to 710 AD) and is linked to mount hakone

introducing the core team

alexander inchbald
source of the ongoing series

the visionary behind the #masterpiece movement, an author and mystical artist, has been exploring and experimenting with how we create in communion with mother nature and each other 

peter koenig
source of the first summit

the authority and source of moneywork and sourcework, invites us to join us in hakone for this first summit of summits to interweave our communities together

karen kennaby
source of the tour

a former founder of an exquisite travel company, a formidable coach and the source of ellev8, removing distractions from sources so they can focus their energy on what they are sourcing

tamami ushiki
source of the logistics

a serial entrepreneur who is president of 5 companies, each of which is designed to guide entrepreneurs to bring their unique contribution to life 

ilona de haas
source of communications

supporting collectives to become empowering communities. practitioner, trainer, initiative bridger & event moderator in peter koenig's LoveinBusiness eco-system. source & co-founder of an intergenerational eco-village in belgium

ai sanda
tour guide

a founder of earth co-cree! as a “co-creation” researcher/evangelist, she has worked with various government institutions and regional municipalities. an artist of japanese traditional arts such as japanese calligraphy and flower arrangement

jody toda
tour guide

a global business leader who is president of 8 companies globally since the age of 27, Forbes Women Award 2017 winner, aiming to create harmonious organizations where people live their true life and deliver happiness around them

kako dubs
source of activating french ecosystem

french born from a japanese mother and a zen master grandfather. source of WAAAS, a community of coaches, supporting inner change and transformation using a systems view. looking to integrate japanese zen wisdom into western culture

hideaki aono
moneywork practitioner

consulting to incorporate eastern thought and buddhism into business management.
born into a family of samurai, he has been thinking from an early age about how to live as a samurai. how to use their power for the benefit of peace.
he believes that "the relationship between money and the human mind is the key to unlocking the meaning of life."

yumi fukushima

interpreter for conferences and workshops for personal, organizational, and societal transformations including landmark, u.lab, gaia journey, zen 2.0, teal festival (2019), workshops on scenario planning, systems leadership training, adult developmental theory, etc. she leads mission control personal productivity workshops and "CLUB SDGs" on facebook to connect individuals and society to realize the potential of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

kenshu kamara
support summit and tour

facilitator of organizational change, community development and researcher of evolutionary organizations. he is also the source for, a japanese-language web media that provides information necessary for the new paradigm of organizational management, such as the teal organization and the source principles

if this resonates

lasting peace and prosperity for all

we are also delighted to recommend the Japan Peace Week Journey 2024 of our friends at Unity Earth on 15-22 September 2024


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